Saturday, March 19, 2011


 Rincon is located on the westernmost coast of Puerto Rico, a haven for surfers and beach goers alike. We didn't get a chance to attempt surfing this time, but we'll be back! I have to admit, the idea of surfing (really surfing, not just the idea of surfing) kinda scares me.

It appears that after much analysis, this stems from an irrational fear of the ocean. The ocean is a powerful, unforgiving, and mysterious force in our world. Do not misunderstand me, I LOVE the ocean. It is a wondrous entity, that conjures thoughts of adventure, exploration, romance, danger. It is alive. And it draws me to it's shore like the proverbial pull of the tide. I love going to the beach and playing in the waves, but every time i swim out a little, I think about what might be lurking just below the surface.

It all began in the 4th grade where for some bizarre happenstance, my teacher, Mrs. Robinson had a boxful of horror stories about viscious animal encounters. Anything from crocodiles sneakily snapping up passersby, bear mauling, to shark attacks, all of which ended in severe injury, loss of limb and life. Given my perverse need to read ALL of these stories plus my exposure to movies like JAWS...I guess my fear of the ocean is quite understandable. And, as Alex reminds me, it is not altogether evolutionarily irresponsible. Having a healthy fear of something so mutable and unknown is rather wise, is it not? I just recognize how disadvantaged I am in the water. I mean there was a reason that animals first learned to crawl up on land. As soon as the plants paved the way,  things were falling all over themselves to get the fuck out of that scary place.

However, I am also capable of reasoning that with the proper gear, ocean exploration can be fun. Like scuba diving: when armed with iron lungs, goggles, and flippers, swimming in the big blue really isn't so bad. Surfing just feels so vulnerable compared to that.
However, I do intend to overcome the fear and go surfing...Someday.

Adriana, you should take up this gig. Massages on the beach = paradise

Hermit crabs were everwhere

Accidentally "collected" this guys shell, but let him go when i felt him clinging on to my finger for dear life.

Leaf bug in the sand! Not hiding now are you?!

El Faro de Punta Higuero

Surfing until the last light of day is spent

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ponce and the South

 So our first night in Ponce, we stayed at the house of a fellow seedling squad member, Alejandro. The orchids are compliments of his mother's green thumb.

Puerto Rican fighting cock, who, contrary to popular belief, crows ALL night long, not just at dawn.

African Tulip Tree
Fruit Bats!

Ceiba Tree

Ceiba blossom
 We visited Castillo Serralles, a mansion on a hill overlooking the city of Ponce. It was built by a family who made their money by exploiting people to grow cheap sugar cane, operating a mill, and producing rum. This was their summer home. Thank you Capitalism and big business for all you have given us.
The castle that rum built (on the backs of sugar cane laborers)

The view from on high, far removed from the commoners down below

Vejigante mask

We also visited a Casa de mariposas on the mansions grounds.

Me and Donny Q


Ponce Plaza

More Vejigante masks for sale at the Plaza

Then we went to El Ataud in Adjuntas, an amazing place to wile away an afternoon. Clear pools of deep water flowing from water falls, a tropical backdrop, and complete the picture with some chichaitos. A great day.

 The next day we drove a little further west to Guanica and the Dry Forest.